Welcome & About this Blog

Welcome to this blog, a portal for stories in progress... The term Lil Epiphanies has two meanings: First, Lil refers to little and so each story is borne of a little moment of grace, where I was touched by some life experience or bit of imagination to share words and ideas. Two, Lil also refers to my name Lilly. It's a name that not many folks have called me: Only my parents, my first band teacher, and occasional close friends through the ages. By identifying with this nickname, I also connect with my childhood and my life-long desire to write and share from the heart! Welcome & Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Value of a Smile

This week I have been incredibly touched by many interactions with strangers. On Monday, I was working at a little cafe in Mill Valley. The morning was full of writing Good News articles and my annual report. As I wrote, I was listening to music and the pace of my soul was merging with my fingertips. I felt at home, even among the bustle of strangers around me. Finally, my time was up. As I walked towards the door, a man with a distinctive presence was seated at the table by the table. He had a Santa Clause like beard and I saw in his face the look of a man with profound intellect. I smiled at him as I passed by his table, and before I reached for the door, he said: "What a beautiful smile" to me. This man did not know me. We were far apart in age and the genuineness of his comment made it obvious to me that his words were simply kind. And I was blessed! How amazing it is how we can affirm each other!

And now, it is Wednesday. I am at the Borders in Alameda. I have been typing away, answering e-mails, deleting e-mails, pondering... A man seated beside me and I struck up a conversation. He asked me to watch his chair. Therefore, I said (tongue-in-cheek), that I would beat up anyone who tried to take his chair (with a smile). He noted my sarcasm and laughed with me. As he left, he felt connected enough to say: "Well, it is time to let me leave you with other company."

How strange and amazing how one may connect with strangers. Sometimes it just takes a smile.